Text Fields
Report Criteria Expressions based on text fields vary based on whether or not the field is validated. Most text fields in Maintenance Connection are validated and only allow acceptable values to be entered. Report Criteria Expressions based on validated text fields allow you to select the acceptable values from a list.
If only one value has been defined for a field, the value is displayed in the second field.
If more than one value has been defined, the second field displays the value <Multiple Values>.
Text fields that allow free form entry, and are thus not validated, provide a field prompt to enter the desired value. No options are available.
The following sections describe how to define different types of report criteria expressions for text fields:
Defining an expression for a field connected to a lookup table: The Work Order Status field is an example of a field validated by a lookup table. For this type of field, the options stored in the lookup table are available for selection.
Defining an expression for a field connected to a module lookup: The Repair Center field is an example of a field validated by a module lookup. The list of acceptable values are not displayed for fields connected to a module lookup. Instead, you have options that allow you to open the respective module lookup to select a value or multiple values.
Defining an expression for a free-form text field: The Serial Number field is an example of a field that allows free-form entry. For this type of expression, you will enter the desired value into the field.